Sunday, September 28, 2008

Lloyd Boston's Wardrobe Essential

Feel like you never have a thing to wear? Fashion expert Lloyd Boston shares the basic items every woman should have in her closet. Click on the model above, and watch as Lloyd shows Oprah how to tie the "Hacking Knot".

A scarf can work as a bright accessory to many outfits.; From The Oprah Winfrey Show "Shlumpadinka Makeovers"

Do you have a closet full of clothes and still feel like you have nothing to wear? With the right basics, stylist Lloyd Boston says you can pull any outfit together in a snap. "If you have these things, you can look as great as me living in your closet," he says. Bright, gauzy scarves are an inexpensive way to add a shot of color around your face. "I love a little scarf," Oprah says. "Very chic-o-la." When adding this extra flair, Lloyd says it's important to balance your other accessories. If you have extra fabric going to one side, wear bracelets on your opposite arm. "Change it up," he says.

Watch as Oprah learns a simple way to wear a scarf around the neck! Wear my Violet Blues Silk Cover-up for this look!


Anonymous said...

Lloyd Boston is great! He always has great tips. I missed that episode of Oprah.