Friday, April 25, 2008

Bikini Booty Camp

Totally off topic! I really enjoy going to the gym and working out. However, as the weather gets warm.... going indoors to get my workout on is not my idea of fun. I went to an exhibition and I came across BIKINI BOOTY CAMP. No... I won't be sporting a bikini around town, but working towards being fit in a group setting OUTDOORS seems like fun!

The workouts are with 19 other women for one hour. You can view it on Youtube. I start May 6/08 (twice a week). I will update you on the Booty Camp, as I go along/


Boutique Mix Fashion said...

lol. sounds like "fun". I'll be checking on your progress.

the redhead said...

just wondering how you are finding the booty camp? i'm signed up for the june program but am slightly unsure. would love to hear how you are finding it!

Dee Boswell-Buck said...

Hey Jenny, When I finished the first class, my first thought was that it was a glorified areobics class.... Until I went to work the next day. I couldn't push the paper towel dispenser! 4 weeks later, I noticed my body shape has changed for the better (along with better eating habits). Tomorrow is the last class. Staytuned... I will let you know if my total body measurements went down.